
The Dragons of Eden

I am reading my fourth book by Carl Sagan,
the first 3 books being Contact, Cosmos, and Broca's Brain.


I think... too much

It's funny, but I'm starting to think that I'm fast approaching that point in my life when I'd rather not think about my real age.


Why write? Why now?

I kept a written record of my life once. I owned a diary. I wrote prose and a little poetry. I started writing in my teens and wrote for a few good years. I was growing up and my life seemed full of possibilities. Then, after a while, all the energy and excitement slowly faded. Without noticing, I kept my writing pen in its case and my journal in its drawer: I never touched them again.

Now, I am somehow compelled to write. The energy is returning, and it is almost like high school all over again. Maybe I've rushed and put off a few things in the past. Maybe I still have some more growing up to do. Whatever it is, it is happening all over again, and it is good to know. It is good to know.



After much thought, I have finally decided on a template, title, and description! Although it isn't exactly what I want, it will serve for now.

The description is a little difficult to read, but until I find a more suitable template, it will have to stay, right beneath the title, in small capital letters, discouraging anyone who just so happens to browse by from reading the rest of it. So if anyone feels like sharing some lines of code that will move it to the side, or change the description's uppercase letters into sentence case, please do.

Thanks for viewing my first crack at online publishing, and I hope add more relevant posts soon.