The lecture, entitled Sustainable Design Innovations for Tomorrow's Communities, was held July 16, 2004 at the Social Science Building of the Ateneo University in Katipunan Quezon City. The main speaker, Max. O. Lindegger, a Director at Ecological Solutions, Pty. Ltd. and the founding Director of the International Global Village Network, is an ecological community developer and consultant with an engineering background.
In his lecture and slide presentation, Lindegger described a number of alternative communities in rural, suburban, and urban areas in Oceania, Europe, and the Americas, including the World Habitat Award winning Crystal Waters in subtropical Eastern Australia. He also explained concepts such as the restoration of brownfield sites, urban and suburban infill, rammed earth construction, solar energy, wastewater recycling, permaculture, and other sustainable design innovations. All in all, he emphasized a holistic approach to sustainable design, to address both social and spiritual needs in addition to the universal need for clean air, water, land and food. Finally, Lindegger shared his dream of an integrated suburban and rural culture that essentially lives within its means. Lindegger ended his lecture with an invitation to contact or visit him at Crystal Waters.
The lecture was organized by the United Architects of the Philippines Green Architecture Movement, the Philippine Business for the Environment, and the Ateneo University Environmental Science Department.