
Farewell Dog

I'm saying goodbye to our dog. He has been a kind and loyal animal. He will be missed.


super inday said...

aaaawww... being a dog lover myself, i know how you feel. i'll definitely miss my pooch when she goes, even though i hardly spend time with her these days... you planning to get a new pup? :)

raymond said...

We have two more dogs, though none of them can compare with this one in obedience and intelligence. One is a little toy dog who gets away with almost everything, and the other one is a large brute who's just plain retarded.

Madridista Mac said...

You're making me miss Plonky! :(

raymond said...

Who's Plonky?

super inday said...

plonky is their pet dog, named by his nursery school teacher of a sister :p you can tell she hangs around kids a lot :p

Madridista Mac said...

Plonky is my Pet, he is a dalmatian....

He's acutally quite smart but acts unbelievably juvenile... my yaya actually wrote to me telling me that Plonky actually swallowed the 20 peso bill of our other... Our maids were actually suspiscious about him the whole time, coz of his facial expression... yup our dog, can actually "play" dumb when he knows he's guilty of something (when he's eaten something he's not supposed to, like my mom's plants or my dad's socks or when he shits/pisses on the wrong place)... disgustingly, the evidence, is revealed the next day....

Dalamatians are people-loving dogs

When he stands beside you, he likes to lean against you, or sometimes, he intentionally steps on your foot, it's disgusting when he's stepped on something funky...
Plonky, like other Dalmatians, also likes intentionally sitting on people's feet. He just loves to be around people period. Once, with my dad testing his new video cam, Plonky actually knew somehow that he was being filmed: posing and dancing around, changing his location/position as my dad panned the camera.

Dalamatians are terribly possessive and "tampuin"

Plonky once bit a poor dog on the street (our neigbor's dog), unable to stand the sight of our maid petting it. When they got back to the house, he refused to eat when that same maid prepared his food, I had to be the one to give it to him. He actually intentionally ignores me as well after I scold/yell at him for shitting or pissing in the wrong place.

I miss my dog! :(

raymond said...

yup, you sure sound like you miss him

raymond said...

i wonder why some dogs make it a point to sit on one's foot. I guess this behavior is similar to cats brushing up against one's leg. I guess they must leave some kind of scent, or even worse, something that smells...

raymond said...

oh no, dead rabbits, what a sad thought...