
Honrado Fernandez

A former dean of the University of the Philippines College of Architecture passed away Tuesday April 26, 2005 at the age of 55. His highly opinionated comments will be missed by a few. His quirky and self-deprecating humor will be missed by some. His incessant stories and lessons will be missed by many. His unwavering advocacy for Philippine architecture and art will be missed by all.

Despite being a man of many talents, I feel that Dean Fernandez was first and foremost an educator. He brainwashed entire batches of architecture students to keep the fires of indigenous art and architecture burning through his unique ability to inspire both guilt and pride in what would otherwise be taken for granted. Though many flames were inevitably doused, some embers still smolder in the hope of catching flame once more. I think I still keep a tiny ember of his making, fueled by rememberance and protected by sentiment.

May his memory live on.

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