
The People You Meet on the Plane

Flying alone halfway across the world does have its moments. For one, you get to meet interesting people. The person seated beside me for the 18 hour flight was a Nepalese Sherpa mountain guide. Check out his site by clicking on the title of this post. We talked about a lot of things to pass the time. We even touched on religion (he's buddhist) and local folklore (he told me about the Yeti and, for the lack of a better monster, I told him about the Manananggal). If I ever save up enough leisure time and money, not to mention balls, maybe I'll look him up in the Himalayas for a quick trek through the mountains (usually a month long) in the near future. The thought of going to the Himalayas never crossed my mind before I met this guy. Well, maybe I did imagine it when I read this Tintin comic.

I guess traveling does open your eyes to the possibilities, even if it is just eighteen hours on the plane.


super inday said...

let me know if you're going to tibet =) i'd love to see the yeti, too =D

raymond said...

haha, maybe i'll tell you in a couple of years or so