
Summer in NY

The summer term of the Architecture and Urban Design program is finally over and I feel terrific. Studio work was tough, and though there's still room for improvement, at the very least I have realized just how to make the most of studio the next time around, or so I would like to believe.

I think I did pretty well in the other courses, so I can't wait to pick my electives for the next term. Hmm, okay, maybe I can wait a bit more. Besides, it's summer in New York and I still have the rest of the city to explore before I become a slave to my course schedule once again.

Here are some pictures of the stuff I worked on:

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Okay, I know it isn't much, I'm still perfecting the art of collage. If you haven't figured it out, it's about pollution mitigating urban design. Something that you would definitely need along EDSA, Aurora Boulevard, or any major urban thoroughfare if you don't want your kids to develop asthma and other respiratory diseases while growing up in the city.

If there is one thing I'm learning to do all over again is to be a hard-nosed idealist. And this is a good place to do it. So I'm glad.

Okay, that's enough for today. Time to go out and see the rest of the city... or maybe some sleep... Yeah, I've been missing that too. Well, there's enough time to do both! Until next time...

1 comment:

raymond said...

And I thought I had new fans... thanks a lot.